Saturday, September 4, 2010


Had a horrible night at the Bistro.
[And btw, horrible is a cheap understatement--last night sucked hairy cajones]

Got off at 12:05 AM.
Came home around 4AM.
Ran into the laundry basket in the hallway on the way to the bathroom.
My shin hurts.

Woke up around 11AM.
Found out the dogs ran away.
Hung out on the steps with the cutest Nephew EVER:

He danced to the music on my cell phone.
He has a preference for Ke$ha and Lil' Wayne.
He likes indie/techno too.
[He digs the beat]

Found the dogs.
Squeezed both of their fat butts into my backseat--which is now covered in dog hair, lol.
[And my car smells like dog too :) ] 

Just put a last minute load of laundry [i.e. my work clothes] in the dryer.
They might not be 100% dry when I have to leave for work...
Talk about uncomfortable soggy pants... eww/lol.
[please dry, please dry, please dry]

About to go straighten my hair and get glamorous [or not] for my bar shift this evening.

Tomorrow is my blog catch up day, my day to run a few miles, and to clean both my bath and bedroom.

Have a great night everyone!

AND a very Happy and Eventful Labor Day weekend!