Saturday, September 11, 2010


I have to be up in, oh 6 hours or so, but for some reason I decided to watch Hellcats on theCW and then I decided to watch the season finale of Rookie Blue...
Probably not the smartest thing to do at 1AM when I have GET UP IN A FEW HOURS... ugh


Two lovely, funny, and awesome fellow bloggers (Kat and Mary-Nevin) have graced me (over the past two weeks) with blog awards!


Kat of Between You and Me and the Kat's Whiskers awarded me with this award:

And Mary-Nevin, an Atlanta, Georgia local, of Serenity & Style, honored with this one:

I just want to say THANK YOU to both Kat and Mary-Nevin! Both ladies are entirely unique, hilarious, and have AWESOME blogs that you all (my loyal blog followers and anonymous blog readers should check out).

I know that typically when you receive a blog award that you should pass it on to four or five other bloggers... well I'm going to be rebellious and not pass these on to four or five.
Instead I'm going to say thank you once more, and tell you, my readers, to check out ALL of the blogs on my blog roll, to check out both Kat and Mary-Nevin's blogs, and to have a kick ass rest of the weekend.

If you're a blogger, keep blogging :)
And if you're just a reader, well keep reading.

I know there are other bloggers out there, like myself, who love to hear or see that we've had a new reader to out blogs, even just for a page view or two. It really makes the whole blogging process more fun and worth while.
Especially when we find that someone is coming back for more, or in my case, that other bloggers, like Kat and Mary-Nevin, are thinking me :)

Thank you ladies!!!!!!
Love ya!
And your blogs too! 
