Thursday, September 16, 2010


My nephew JT is a real kicker...
He pretty much cracks me up every chance he gets...
Sometimes he runs with me...
Which makes him pretty cool for a new teenager (his big 13th birthday was last weekend).

This evening I came home after a long day at the Bistro to find that JT had written a paper/essay, I'm assuming for school, about himself and his family.
The whole thing was pretty amusing.
Of course, filled with little teenage quips, and spelling errors that reminded me of back in the day when I used to write my family letters and YOUR was YUR and DOES was DOEZ, you know what I mean...
So getting back to his essay.

JT ends the essay with a line about my brother.
It went a little something like this:

"My dad Cory is so funny it breaks my laugh box out of place."

I pretty much died right then and there in the kitchen.
Not only did my heart melt because JT referred to my brother as his dad (my brother being his step-father), the fact that JT said "it breaks my laugh box out of place" just about put me on the floor with the giggles.

Laugh box.... really.

Too funny.