Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Outfit: Poofy --- Day 3: Drugs/Alcohol

Today I let myself get all dressed up and wear a skirt and heels to make up for dressing like a hobo yesterday. I also set 5 different alarms on my cell phone this morning to avoid another over-sleeping episode.

I caught the back of my tights on something when I wore them last time, so a small hole had started. Since they only cost me $2.54 I wasn't too broken up about it, and I decided I'd give them one last hurrah before condemning them to the trash can. Unfortunately, I ended up getting my pinky caught in said hole while putting them on, making the little hole quite a big hole. Somewhere in the world, a 3rd grade boy turned to his friend and said, "Smooth move, Ex-Lax." You know it's true. It was too late to pick a different pair, though, so I just wore them anyways. Oh well.

And you can't see them in the pics, but these are the earrings I'm wearing:
I made them a few weeks ago and haven't worn them yet, but I couldn't resist wearing them today since they match the triangles on my skirt. Fun!

And now my next topic for the 30 Day Challenge... click HERE to see the full list.

Day 3: My Views on Drugs and Alcohol
Oh gosh. People usually lump these two together in the same boat, but they really aren't in the same boat at all. I don't know anything about medical marijuana so I'm in no position to make any statements about that, but other than that drugs are not okay in any situation, period.

Alcohol, on the other hand, is fine. It's what you do with the alcohol that makes it not fine. Enjoying a glass on wine with dinner? No problem. Drinking a whole bottle because you're sad? Problem. The Bible never says that drinking is a sin (in fact, in a few places it is recommended), it says that getting drunk is a sin. Big difference.