Monday, January 17, 2011

Over Sleeping and Day 2

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later, though I had hoped to last longer than a week of working full-time before the first time I slept through my alarm. Thankfully, my mom came poking in my room asking me why I wasn't up yet, otherwise I'd still probably be in bed. Unfortunately, though, I didn't pick out an outfit last night, and I didn't take a shower, two things which I normally d at night but on occasion I push off until the following morning. So naturally, the day I leave every thing to do in the morning is the day I oversleep. Cool.

So now I'm sitting here at work feeling all gross and grimy, even though I know that 2 days worth of grime is nothing to freak out about. I'm also wholly not cute today, which is a reason to freak out. So definitely no outfit post today. The other downside of over sleeping is that there is not nearly enough time to make a lunch. Today all I managed to throw together was my leftover Chinese food from last night, a Dr. Pepper, and half a bag of gummy penguins that have goo in their tummies. Sad day.

So instead of thinking about today, I will think about 10 years from today, as per Day 2 of the 30 Day blog challenge.

Day 2: Where I'd Like to Be in 10 Years

Ooh, that's a good one. I think I'll do a bullet list for this one.

-In ten years I'd like to be showered and wearing something cute.

-I'd like to be 28. If I'm not 28 in ten years, that would mean I died somewhere along the way, which would be a bit sad.

-I'd like to be married. I'm not in any hurry to get married, but I think if I'm not married by the time I'm 28 I would be worrying that I smell bad or something.

-I'd like to be working in a job I really enjoy. I don't expect that I'm going to land a dream job the second I finish up school, but by the time 28 rolls around, I hope very much that I'm doing something I enjoy.

-I'd like to be living somewhere with a big walk-in closet.

-I'd like to be walking with God. Not literally, since I already said I don't want to die by the time I'm 28, but I'd like to be walking with Him in His plan for my life.

-I'd like to be content with my life. Not necessarily happy, but content. I have no doubt that my life is not going to turn out how I expect it to, but I hope that wherever I end up and whatever I'm doing that I will be thankful for what I have, even if it's not the dream mansion with the 20x20 walk-in closet.

OK, I'm bored of this.
Look, a pair of disgustingly gorgeous shoes!
$154 at Lulu's.
