Wednesday, January 19, 2011


No, not the sexy kind of "wet n' wild fling" but the makeup kind.
You dirty minded individuals.
I had to suck you into my site somehow.
Guess it worked with potty talk as my headliners.

Oh who the hell am I kidding.
Every time I see Wet N' Wild in the cosmetics aisle I crack up like a giddy 6th grader.
Once again with the "Chuck is easily amused" joke.
It could also be that I'm on a dating dry spell, but I won't get into that during this post
... or any other post in the near future for that matter.

Moving On!
Or Onward Ho! (as they say on "Oregon Trail")

Thanks to Twitter and my ability, yes I said ability--almost like a skill really--to be easily amused, I was distracted by @InStyle's tweet about Make Up Shades that Work for Everyone. I was a little skeptical and really not in the mood to try out a $20 lipstick just for the sake of seeing if it worked on my like @InStyle swore that it would.
So me, being me--the cheap ass when it comes to trying new stuff--picked the cheapest item on their list (this is where I tie in the Wet N' Wild by the way): Wet N' Wild Lip Lacquer in Fling which was available at the local Target/Kmart/Walmart/etc. for under $3.

Can I just say that for Wet N' Wild... a brand that I usually stay away from because I assume that all of their cheap shit is going to suck (I've been proven wrong one other time by this brand)... this lipstick really isn't all that horrible. In fact, the color is pretty good, and works well with my light, hasn't seen the sun in 5 months, skin tone.

I HIGHLY recommend checking out InStyle's list and seeing if anything works for you. If you have a similar skin tone (to me!) I recommend giving this color a shot. The $3 isn't going to break your bank. (Promise)

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