Saturday, March 19, 2011


In a perfect world I wouldn't wear a size 11 shoe, I wouldn't have to pay for the upkeep that keeps me blonde and sexy, and my Internet Love Affair / little girl internet crush that I have on a ginger would become a reality.

If you don't and didn't know, I'll fill you in RIGHT NOW:
I have an internet crush on the The Good Badger.
(who is a person, NOT an animal--Just to clarify since I really don't want to go to jail.)

I have yet to figure out how I came across his site, or how he stumbled across mine, or who tweeted who first, but it happened and our coming together (in the land of all things Google--i.e. the internet) was sheer bliss.

(I think it may have all started with a cancer fighting mustache...)

I do have a purpose to my stalker/creeper-ish post today...
I'd like to get to it now, before the The Good Badger has a restraining order served on me for acting like a crazed middle school brace-faced tweenie-bopper:

The Good Badger, and his friend John (a.k.a. Pony Fart--I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THIS MEANS!?), are setting sail, and by sail I mean walking on a trail... TOMORROW.
Now this trail is not just any trail, it's THE TRAIL--the Appalachian Trail, and as I said, they leave tomorrow.

Over the past few months since making the decision to play with bears and digs holes to poo in, The Good Badger, with the aid of Pony Fart, have been tweeting, posting on The Good Badger main site, and Facebook-ing about their upcoming trek.

I have had quite a many chuckles thanks to Mr. Badger,
and I think that you should too!

Now finally, back to the point (or maybe that last BOLD sentence was the point):
Make sure you check out The Good Badger (site) and the official Facebook page and stay updated on the hilarity and just overall awesomeness that will ensue over the next 6ish months. I'd say "It's for a good cause!!!," but that's technically a lie, and as I have said many times before, I don't like to lie to you peeps--I try to live up to my "you're the nicest person I've ever met" standards.. but actually it kind of is for a good cause.... Just get your asses over there and read up get ready for a laugh or three.

(To appeal to my lady readers... both men are pretty darn sexy too. Hello! I am having an Internet Love Affair with one--he might not know it, but he is, and he should consider himself lucky.)

I'll stop rambling now, go 'like' The Good Badger Facebook page and read up on the background of my ILA's decision to hike, and his preparation for the trail...
Much laughter will follow and you will most definitely thank me later :)

One of my favorite videos... for inducing the urge vomit:

One more thing. To add to the awesomeness of the adventure. If you want to send the guys something, anything, a granola bar, a bar of soap, or a can of Frontiersman FBAD-07 Bear Deterrent Pepper Spray (yes, this is real!), YOU CAN DO IT, and they will most gladly accept what you send when they reach one of the various post offices along the way:
Send your goodies here. 

And if you read this Mr. Badger...
(I'll probably squeal like a 12 year old at a Bieber concert, if I find that you did)

Good luck on the trail! 
Watch out for bears!