Wednesday, March 23, 2011

In the coffee shop...

Wednesday is an awesome day. I go to the post office if I need to, and then hang out in my favorite coffee shop for an hour or so before work. Today was business as usual, so after walking back from the post office in the GLORIOUS, GLORIOUS sunshine, I took my usual seat at the back of said coffee shop to wait for my 16oz. mocha to be made. And then I looked to my left, and lo and behold this is what I saw mere inches from my face:
This is the face I make when I'm sitting next to a psycho bunny picture.
A nice scenic picture to sip my coffee by, no?

That would be the end of this tale of the coffee shop, but I also must share my woe over being tricked into eating peanut butter this morning. When I was ordering my mini donuts, the girl behind the counter said they were "chocolate with a peanut on top", and since I like chocolate and I like peanuts, that seemed like a win win, right? Wrong. Because hiding under that layer of gooey yummy chocolate was a filling of peanut butter. Gag. me.
This is the face I make when I have just eaten something that makes me want to vomit.
Don't ask me why I like peanuts but not peanut butter. I have no clue.

Anyways, I might have taken them back and asked for different ones, but it was almost time for me to go and I saw a lady from church so I just gave them to her. My pain was her gain, I suppose.