Monday, February 28, 2011

Outfit: Amazon --- A Few Notes

You may be wondering why I am standing next to an empty clothes rack today. Well, I just wanted to brag about the fact that I carried said empty clothes rack up a flight of stairs today while wearing high-heeled boots. The darn thing was too wide to carry it next to me, too, so I had to hold it out in front of me which made it infinitely harder. But I prevailed in the end and now I'm trying to decide what clothes I'm going to put on it. Me = Amazon. 

And yes, I am aware that I look wholly unfashionable/boring today. I needed a lazy day.

A Few Notes:
-There is seriously a flash flood going on outside my store today. I can hardly even see the buildings across the street because the rain is so thick. If I never blog again, you can assume I have drowned. Cry not, my friends.

- I have not forgotten about the giveaway. I just had a bunch of other, more important stuff to tend to this weekend (like, you know, watching the Oscars for 5 hours). I will try to get everything figured out and get it ready to go next Monday, so keep your eyes open for it!

- My boss is giving birth to twins today, so if you're the praying sort of person, prayers are always appreciated.

- Downton Abbey is awesome. That is all.

-Oh, and Amanda, I though Sandra Bullock's was okay... I thought it was the best red of the night (there were  lot of funky reds out there that clashed hardcore with the carpet), but I wasn't a fan of the top/bustline. 

-For those of you who don't know (which I imagine would be all of you), Amanda and I both love red carpet stuff, and we always disagree on who looked good and who didn't. 

-I may or may not be doing a Music Monday post today. We'll see how it goes.

-I've been playing guitar almost non-stop since I started about 2 weeks ago, and I proud to say that I can finally no longer feel my fingers tips. Typing feels kind of weird, but I suppose I'll get used to it.

- OK, I'm off to try and figure out what I'm going to put on that clothes rack now. Ta!