Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I just watched Exit Through the Gift Shop.
Nominated for 'Best Documentary'

Really Interesting!

"This is the inside story of Street Art -
a brutal and revealing account of what happens
when fame, money and vandalism collide.
Exit Through the Gift Shop follows an eccentric
shop-keeper turned amateur film-maker as
he attempts to capture many of the world's most
infamous vandals on camera, only to have a
British stencil artist named Banksy turn the
camcorder back on its owner with wildly
unexpected results"

This movie really makes you think about art,
it's value and who creates the value.
Is it valuable because we really like it or
because someone told us we should like it.
 It reminds me of the book 7 days in the art world.
Same sort of question,
"What and who makes art popular
and valuable to people?"