Sunday, May 16, 2010


I take the LSAT in 23 days...

What more is there to say?

I find that I have become easily distracted by EVERYTHING as of late. Maybe it is because I am beyond stressed out about my future and the big giant question mark that is in front of me.
I don't know what my future holds.
I don't know where or what my post-college job is going to be.
I just sit here, frustrated, day after day, applying to jobs and getting rejected by jobs.
Then I try to study for this test because I know that it is what I need to be doing, the right 'next step' in my life, but I jut find myself distracted and even more stressed out.
I don't like not knowing.
I don't like not being in control of my future.
I find it all very frustrating, as you can obviously tell.

Who knows what is going to happen.
I sure as hell don't.
And for the record, I do not like it one bit.

(I don't think that I should fill out my test form this way.)

I doubt that the LSAT people give extra points for creative filling-in of the dots...
They should, but they don't.