Thursday, May 27, 2010

American Kitsch 1940-1960

'Kitsch' is a german word meaning "in bad taste" and is normally used to describe art that is vulgar and or overly sentimental. Designers in this era loved using feminine like curves in their work, whether it was architecture, cars, casino's, signs, curved type, toys, posters ect. Posters that were made during this era had very dramatic poses and their facial expressions were overly exaggerated.

James Dean represented a youth movement during this era. For the first time, the youth of america found news ways of dressing independant in a more adult like fashion. The now very famous "barbie doll" was invented in the 50's and is still very popular with young girls today, although the exaggerated curves of the 50's barbie doll no longer exists.

I think that American Kitsch was a very trendy era and that some designers still like to use dramatic poses and facial expressions today to draw attention to the work.