Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hello my name is Stuart Bannocks... and I am a Designer

For the last year Stuart Bannocks has been producing 'a badge a day'. As the project developed throughout the year, his process of stretching and distorting the definition of 'made' as well as 'badge' emerge as critical themes within the work. His project questions among other subjects the relationship between the made and the not-made, as well as continuously asking the pressing question of 'What do I do next?'.

The work has been documented in the book titled: HELLO MY NAME IS STUART BANNOCS AND I AM A DESIGNER published by Shopwork, and available from

(Words taken from Shopwork group statement - sorry, I lost all my content during a computer crash and it's too painful to re- write.)

The gallery is a lovely space in a street that made me wonder whether I was still in London - everyone knew each other and was friendly, and I don't mean in a London way - in a village way! Really great location.

The exhibition itself was so great that it prompted a certain gallery curator (hint, he's in some of the pictures) from the Aram Gallery to say "This is exhibition is good. It's too good, actually". Indeed.

We are all designers, aren't we, really?

Sign if you're a designer! Russel confidently doing so (he designed the website for my clothing line Lira Leirner).

The pictures above are displayed at the courtesy of Shopwork Net

I wore this badge when Fidel Castro died, I quite like the idea of Marxism, I claimed for this badge on expenses

Happy Jimmy, he does like his bellybutton! The gorgeous artist Jemma Austin, whose work I've blogged about recently.

The Badge Vending Machine was the heart of the exhibition.

The ultimate prize, the £20 note badge!

Gallery Visitors