Monday, January 11, 2010


Yesterday I officially became a college graduate.

[Holy crap I'm white- I Need to get some UV RAYS badly-]

And last night I officially celebrated my graduation with the amazing S (of the future S&SS 7-30-10!) in her college town of Newark,DE. We got the hook up last night and scored a few free shots a few free mixed drinks. I think she even hustled her way into getting into a local bar with out cover for the rest of the year... but maybe not. Things are a little fuzzy when I try to remember the end of the Chuck's Graduation Pub/Bar Crawl!

This was me trying to break free from my undergraduate lifestyle (i.e. the student ID) and my squinty eye... S and I decided if I just covered it up I could take a decent picture. :)

Maybe I should try the eye-patch/pirate look?

Eh, maybe not.

Over all GOOD TIMES yesterday!

WoooO HoooO!!
I'm Finally DONE!