Friday, October 1, 2010

Grammatical Pet Peeves

 I have a few... 
- When people say or write "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less"
- When people say width and "heighth" instead of "height"
- When people end a sentence with "at" -  "Where are you at?"
And last, when people say real-a-tor instead of realtor.

All of the above terms have been pointed out to me by my Mom. I must have been pronouncing/using them incorrectly.  Once you know the correct way, you hear it used incorrectly everywhere.

I always correct my kids. Now I hear my kids correcting their friends, whoops!

Trust me, I am in no way a grammar expert. I am sure that I am messing up the English language all the time. (I am also terrible at spelling!) 

I found this great website that goes over the most commonly misused terms/words, visit it here.
 This impassioned manifesto on punctuation is fun to read.