Friday, October 29, 2010

Closet Cleaning

Today I took on the brave task of going through my clothes and getting rid of the ones I don't wear anymore. Most people have no problem chucking out their old clothes, but I actually get somewhat attached to mine and don't like to get rid of them, even it it's an item I haven't worn in years.

What my room looks like mid-operation:

I ended up letting go of 31 items, mostly shirts but a few dresses and skirts as well.
Among the cast-offs:
-The vest/jacket that I wore to Vietnam in '08
-The button up shirt I wore the last day of my Freshman year of high school (and haven't worn once since then)
-3 dresses that I bought and never wore
-The Relient K, my one time favorite band, t-shirt I bought a few years ago at Creation Fest.
-My first pencil skirt

Call me a dork, but I actually got really sad putting some of these into bags. *sniff*