Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Biodegradable vs. Compostable

I am really trying to be better about not using plastic. All of the reports about the plastic in the ocean makes me feel terrible!
 Image: Triple Pundit
We went out to eat at Amici's and they had straws made by Taterware, a biodegradable straw. My mom has a compost bin, so she took it home to see how fast it would breakdown. After 6 months, it hasn't change one bit!  Here is the reason...

Biodegradable vs. Compostable. They are not the same.

In order for a plastic to be called compostable, three criteria need to be met:
1. Biodegrade - break down into carbon dioxide, water, biomass at the same rate as cellulose (paper). 
2. Disintegrate - the material is indistinguishable in the compost, that it is not visible and needs to be screened out 
3. Eco-toxicity - the biodegradation does not produce any toxic material and the compost can support plant growth.

Item will degrade from the action of naturally occurring microorganism, such as bacteria,  fungi etc. over a period of time.  Note, that there is no requirement for leaving "no toxic residue", and as well as no requirement for the time it needs to take to biodegrade. This means it could take 100+ years to biodegrate.

Check it out...

Whole Foods has decided to find a new product for their utensils, see article here.