Friday, March 26, 2010


Due to a reality check... a much deserved one (I might add), the following items have been returned.

Dress and Shoes... (Not the bag!--or the watch from earlier posts--just because I really want to keep them):


I would just like to say that prior to returning, both items looked pretty damn good on me and fit like a DREAM--and those 4 inch heels were CRAZY COMFY! However, I need to WAKE UP and stop being silly with my money. Granted both were great purchases, on great sales, looked really good, and could have been worn multiple times... however the purchases were not realistically justified... I should just save the money instead, and as of tomorrow both will be shipped off and returned.

The End.

On another note, my life has been on quite a roller coaster lately on both the personal and family sides. Things might get a big fuzzy here on the blog over the next few weeks because I'll be picking up extra shifts to help my old boss out and I just need to figure my life out in general.

Thank you for everyone who has come by and left a comment, for the regular followers, and to those who just come by and check this little blog of mine out...

If I don't post for a while you know why. But I'll try my best to be present, AND to pick up with my Uh-Uh Flashback Fridays... because I've been lazy with those postings.
