Friday, March 12, 2010

Gemstones: My Fave Five

In no specific order, here are my favorite five gemstones. Let me know what yours are in the comments!

Amethyst - I love purple, so this isn't surprising.

Citrine - I'm absolutely in love with the pale shades of yellow that citrine comes in. Unfortunately it's not the greatest color for my skin tone, but boy do I love looking at it!

Kyanite - There's something strangely fascinating about this stone. It looks kinda dull and murky at first, but then you realize there is so much more to it! I really like the shades of blue with the silver luster.

Magnesite - I've made a few pieces of jewelry that's solely for myself and not for purchase, and a large portion of those pieces are made using this stone. The off-white cream color is an absolute dream, and the brown veining provides some visual interest.

Lapis Lazuli - A deep, royal shade of blue with gold splotches and veins. Simply stunning.