Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cold, cold heart

During my research for read haired complexities and matching coloration and shades for my upcoming photo shoot something peculiar struck me when viewing the images of the blues competition on Traditionally cold colors such as blue, white and black can have a very warm impression when properly shaded and matched. In fact, any color can have a subtly warmer shade, which is harder to achieve and therefore rarer and usually found in mainly high end fabrics and garments. I found a great example of a warm colored blue matched with black and warm brown, which illustrates my point well. The warm red and yellow content of the color blue itself is maximised, which creates a richer, deeper and warmer shade of blue which brilliantly compliments the warm, copper colored hair (please click on the image for source):

On the other spectrum the maximised gray and white shade of blue increases the washed out 80s jeans look which some people have lately gone for (quite to my non-understanding). Despite its washed out look in itself the gray shade of blue has a tendency of negatively whitening its surrounding and therefore cheapening any look. You can also see how the color of such beautiful copper is flattened to a matt, white shaded color, which reduces the shine and brilliance of any hair color but red hair in particular, which has less neutral shades to balance the contrast to a washed out blue. The outfit itself is sweet and the focus on the skirt via leading socks and background, light top is clever and well matched. However, my point stands and the color and shade does not compliment Nadia's hair color nor her skin color here (please click on the image for source):

You can see the difference manifested in the images and color of the silk chiffon chosen for the striped net dress Laura modeled, which means in conclusion of this quite heavily biased argument: Choose vibrant, deep colors with a high red shade content unless you are barbie blond, which is a whole other story (click on image to find out more about this dress).

Like Hank William used to sing in a more romantic context: Why can't I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold, cold heart?