Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I'm currently involved in a text-lationship... or so I would like to call it with this guy--I'll call him Rocky, like the Colorado Rockies.

Rocky and I text, and then we don't text.
I am honestly not too sure how I feel about the whole text-lationship but what I do know is this:

He say "Hmmm" all the time during our texts and it makes me want to punch him in the face.

Why? you ask.
Because every time he says "Hmmm" it reminds me of the movie The Dark Crystal. You know the one, the movie with the Skekies, the crazy whimpering things that go "Hmmm" in their loud high pitched voices.

Every time he messages me I have the damn voice from the movie in the back of my mind...


Seriously, it sounds like this:

This text-lationship, which is going no where (for too many reasons to count), is DRIVING me crazy!

I can't bring myself to be rude and say "Dude, stop texting me," honestly because he lives in another state, AND maybe because I enjoyed his company the last time I saw him. The odds of me seeing him again are very slim, especially since I'm moving back to MD for grad school. 

I don't know what to do.
There is SO MUCH MORE to this story that I'm not sharing... I'm bad.
I'll have to share more later... maybe when we text again... whenever that may be.

Maybe I should stop this text-lationship. The whole wanting to punch him in the face is probably a REALLY BIG SIGN.
