Saturday, August 14, 2010

Spring Cleaning in August

 We are going through my daughters things. Some of it will stay, some will go to Goodwill, we're tossing some and getting some things ready to sell on Craig's List.

As a little kid she kept everything. Every toy, book, candy wrapper, scrap of paper, everything! It became a problem, there was so much stuff.  I would sneak and toss things.

Then in 3rd grade she started showing signs of depression and anxiety. We tried therapy and the doctor suggested that we might want to medicate her. It was an awful time! We spent a year trying to figure out what was causing it.

One day it hit me, she snores and her tonsils are HUGE, maybe she isn't getting enough sleep. I took her to a sleep specialist. We tested her and turns out she had SEVERE sleep apnea.

After the tonsils and adenoids were removed she was like a different child. No more depression or anxiety. It became easier for her to part with stuff. Still, she was a collector, until now. Now she is parting with things I never thought she'd would.
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This weekend I saw a show called Hoarding, Burried Alive. It was really sad and unbelievable!