Sunday, February 28, 2010

HELL to the NO!!!

A mother of one of my sister/cousin's friends thought it would be a BRIGHT IDEA to tell my 13 year old sister/cousin that prior to her wedding, in order to lose weight and fit into her dress, she went on a diet.

Her Diet consisted of Tic-Tacs and Tea.

(angry rant, with curse words will follow below... sorry in advance)

My first thoughts after hearing this were:

EXCUSE me BITCH! Who the HELL are you!? What the HELL are you SMOKING?!
Are you a complete FUCKING MORON?!
What on earth makes you think that telling 13 year old girls about your "successful" diet of Tic-Tacs and Tea is OKAY!?
Are you on CRACK!?

First of all you don't tell little girls that.
Second of all you don't tell MY sister/cousin that, especially when she is NOT of average weight.

Good lord you must be STUPID!

There is NOTHING nutritional about that "diet". Starving yourself is NOT HEALTHY!

If my sister/cousin were my child and some woman, one of my child's friends mother, said that to my kid that woman would get a piece of my mind!

That is BY FAR the WORST thing I have ever heard a MOTHER, let alone a WOMAN, say to teenage girls!

I know that my sister/cousin is smarter than that. I know that what this woman said will not be taken seriously, that she will not try this one day, BUT there are young girls out there who DO THIS! They STARVE themselves to fit into the image of perfection that society craves; the one that society expects of women.

It is truly sad to me, and royally pisses me off, that a woman would say this in the presence of young girls.