Friday, December 18, 2009


This weekend my home state will become victim to the first real blizzard of the season.

[Image courtesy of new co-worker Kelly @ tublr]

Unfortunately for me, I am stuck at work until midnight this evening and will NOT be trucking 45 minutes home in the ice and snow up I-95. Luckily my bf lives five minuted from my work; unluckily, the snow is supposed to be worst during the hours of 4AM and 4PM. Which means I will not be going home for another 24 hours... (let it be know that I have not been home for the past 36 hours due to final exams--which I might add were the LAST of my Undergraduate College CAREER! Woooo!!)

I have a feeling being trapped in my boyfriend's apartment, unable to go anywhere because EVERYTHING will be closed, will result in a bad remake of Cabin Fever. In order to save myself from a bloody death, I have decided to have a plan. This plan consists of ideas for what to do in the case of an emergency (i.e. a Snow In) while at your boyfriend's apartment.

So without further ado:

What to do When Trapped
--I mean snowed in--
in a College Town:

1. Go Sledding... DUH!

It's snowing outside. Grab your sled, a giant Tupperware lid or its box, or grab the preferred sled of Towson students: a lunch tray from the Glen... then find a HILL and have at it!

2. Find a radio and your local 24-7 Christmas station and turn up the tunes--while fixing a delicious meal or BAKING holiday sweets for yourself (and your significant other).
Visit Ree the Pioneer Woman for great recipe ideas! I just picked up her cook book and since then I have died and gone to food-making heaven! You bet I'll be making something delicious this weekend while (embarrassingly) singing along to the music!

Alvin & the Chipmonks is my personal childhood favorite...
What's yours?

3. Hit up the library, if you're a book-aficionado like myself, an afternoon spent relaxing and reading a good book sounds like a prime plan.

Hopefully my library hasn't realized that I own them my first born child, and I'll be able to get a book or two for the weekend.

4. Finish your Christmas shopping ONLINE! Tonight is the last night for delivery by Christmas...

Get to clickin'!
There are only 6 more days of shopping left!

5. Snuggle up on the couch with a mug of hot coco and settle down to a marathon of Christmas movies. Some of my personal favorites include:

Miracle on 34th Street

A Christmas Story


And because just Kelly said so:
"uhhhh, Christmas Vacation is a good Christmas movie"

Christmas Vacation

--a la Chevy Chase--

6.You're in for the long haul... why not celebrate the season. Call/Text/Tweet some friends and have a Christmas Fiesta!!!
So why don't you visit ME!

(or someone as awesome as me ) your local liquor store
[only if you're over 21 of course] and stock up on supplies!

Then FIESTA!!!