Friday, December 25, 2009


Yes I wrote LUST and not LIST... it's because I am a self prescribed library nerd who loves to read in her spare time. It's quite disgusting actually. I get so wrapped up in the books that I read that I just have to finish them completely before I can put them down. Like I said, it's gross.

Since college is FINALLY FINITO! I am finally left with this huge gap of free time... in between work of course... So in the next few days I plan to make my usual trip to the library, which will ultimately lead to a large amount of library fines, but will keep me entertained for about a month, just until the fines start accumulating and I get off my ass and return the books just so I can pick up more.

The Library Lust List:
(It will grow as the weeks go on... don't you worry)

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
I have heard nothing but positive reviews of this book. I also heard that a few people who were going through transitions in their lives found this to be a good read while doing so. I hope that it has the same effect of me.

Dimitri got this for me on my 21st and I have yet to crack the damn thing open.. Honestly, it's been on my 'to read' list since high school, and when D gave it to me I was elated, but just never picked it up to read. This coming January it will definitely be in my top 3 to complete.

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
This was actually a recommendation by Stephen from 20 Something Bloggers. I'm excited to read this after reading the wiki page. Supposedly the book is being made into a movie with Keira Knightly; she didn't do much for me in Atonement--by the way, THE BOOK IS SO FRIGGIN BETTER, so I should definitely check this out before previews start making the rounds and stray me away from crackin' it open.

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
This has been on my to-read list for at least a year. For some reason I just haven't gotten around to it. I saw a preview today for it's movie version and it looked promising. My goal is to have it read before the movie comes out in theaters this January.

The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
This was on my Amazon wishlist. I don't quite remember where I found it or why it's on my list, but I'm definitely going to add it to my list of books to read. This one will most likely be a MAYBE book--because I really just don't remember anything about it.

The Road by Cormac McCarthy
I saw previews for this book's movie version and I found myself more intrgued by the book. It's had amazing reviews and won tons of awards. I am definitely looking forward to getting to this one.

Finally, the next two books are two that I found while browsing a book shop in Ireland. I wrote down the titles and am now finally planning to read them.

These should keep me entertained until books by my regular authors come out. Hopefully...

Currently I am reading:
I'm under 80 pages in, I just picked it up for a few hours last night, and I am not quite sure how I feel about it yet. Don't know if I want to continue or just stop now and grab another. I plan on picking it up again tonight. I might skim through the next few pages to see if it gets any better. I hope so.

Happy Christmas everyone!
I hope you had a happy holiday!