Monday, December 21, 2009


I truly love the holidays.

Aside from the typical stress that surrounds my family during the holidays, I enjoy the season. I love the weather (even though I complain when I'm cold and complain about my car sucking), I love the down time of just relaxing by the tree just reading a book, I love the traditions that the holidays bring about, and the new ones that I like to try to create from the old. I love opening gifts, getting in touch with those whom I have lost (regular) touch with throughout the year, and I love giving gifts.

I believe that gift giving is the greatest part of the holiday season. Whether the gifts are homemade baked goods, clothing, electronics or a gag gift just to make someone laugh, giving a gift and seeing someone's reaction is the highlight of my holiday. I love seeing the reaction that a gift can bring someone; be it tears of joy, laughter, shock--you really got this for me, or the acknowledgment that they know you care. That is what I truly enjoy about the holidays... making someone happy.

I don't care how much a gift costs. If it is something that will bring the recipient joy then I am happy to be the gift giver. Granted I'm not going to get you a CAR, but damned if I won't get you a hot-wheels to show that I tried :)

I hate that people feel obligated to give gifts. I hate that people feel obligated to spend as much as someone else did. You DO NOT have to do this! Doing that is BS! Just getting someone a gift, or even just words of love and happiness (sorry, that sounds kind of corn-ball), is enough.

This is how I think:
If you are going to get me a gift. Thank you so much for thinking of me. If you cannot afford to get me one (or just didn't plan on doing that)... that's okay too you don't have to... it's not going to upset me. But dammit if you will make me feel guilty about getting you something (regardless of the price). I like giving gifts. I do it to make the recipient happy, and selfishly to make myself happy--because seeing whoever I am giving my gift to smile because of what I gave them makes me smile and happy to have made them happy.