Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I've decided, and I'm pretty sure that my sister-cousin will agree, that Sunday's (at least 1 per month) will now be known as Sister-Cousin Sunday.

As the start of the first official/unofficial #SisterCousinSunday (two days ago) the Sister-Cousin and I went to see The Green Lantern.


If I wasn't spending the entire movie "ShhhhhhhhhHHHHH-ing" and giving the angry eye to the dude sitting one seat away from us for pointing out the fallacies and other incorrect Green Lantern-esq things through the movie I was trying SO HARD not to laugh out loud while elbowing the Sister-Cousin for saying "HotHOThotHOThotHOTHot" under her breath E.V.E.R.Y.T.I.M.E. Ryan Reynolds came on screen, especially during the 1st shirtless scene (all of 10 seconds into the opening) and then the damn next-to-nude scene when he is in the process of being transformed into the Green Lantern. 

Please don't take my elbowing as a sign of displeasure...
She was just DISTRACTING MEEEEE from viewing/paying attention to the hotness! ;)

My only negative review of The Green Lantern comes from the final fight scene. It was all of 6 (maybe 10) minutes long. It was SHORTshortSHORT. Plus I was expecting some grand battle with all of the Green Lanterns versus the big bad dude, and I was a little let down.

BUT the SEXINESS of Ryan Reynolds
saved the movie so I slept pretty soundly that night.

All in all, the first official/unofficial Sister-Cousin Sunday was a success!

Hopefully There will definitely be more Sister-Cousin Sunday's to come!!!!
Next time with pictures!