Monday, June 20, 2011

Seven people dinner, dead or alive

I've mixed it up, some people I want to have really good and serious conversations with but seem to still have a certain level of social awareness, and some who seem like fun but would still be willing to participate in a proper conversation. I've had Shopenhauer as my imaginary friend for a while now, I am certain he was full of dry humour that people don't seem to appreciate but that I see all over his writing. So he definitely gets to sit next to me. The rest are arranged in a manner that shakes up their comfort zone on one side and on the other they might be with someone they could have a good conversation with, possibly, when not participating in a general, table wide conversation. I've got Darren Criss on my other side because he seems like a fun person to hang out with, so provides a necessary easing up of the athmosphere while still being perfectly happy with engaging in serious conversations elsewhere.

1. Arthur Schopenhauer

2. Virginia Woolf

3. Coco Chanel

4. Natalie Portman

5. Jean-Paul Sartre

6. Kristen Stewart

7. Darren Criss

How would you arrange your dinner table?