Thursday, June 16, 2011

SATURDAY = DATE NIGHT (a prep course) PART I

WTF am I going to wear on Saturday!?

If you didn't already know what is going on this Saturday, then you haven't been paying attention to my tweets, and you and I are officially not friends anymore...

Okay, that was a little bit harsh.
We can still be friends, and you can still stalk my blog, and not comment on my posts, but you still should follow me on twitter...
Just saying.
I make it REALLY easy for you ----> SIDBAR:

Anywho... back to the story:

#MOBD is coming to visit. Seriously. He is flying into Maryland on Friday, we're going on a date on Saturday night, and he then flies back to Boston on Sunday. He has family and friends in my great home state, so in addition to visiting me, he'll be visiting them as well.

I'd like to be completely honest right now, even more so than I usually am on this lil 'ole blog of mine...

right now
and for this weekend.
You cannot understand.

I am nervous excited about seeing him, and nervous scared out of my wits about seeing him.

We have been talking for months now. This whole situation is a little crazy, and a LOT out of my comfort zone.

He's my bosses nephew (via the liquor store). We have known about one another, through my boss, over the course of the four-ish years that I've worked at the store. Each time #MOBD is in town, I have just left town, or gone off to work somewhere else, or am doing something else.

I moved back to MD this January, got a phone call from the boss man asking me to work and telling me that his nephew would be in town sometime in the spring for a rugby tourney, and that I was going to go with my bosses wife. I laughed this off.

A few months go by, I get bored at the store, watch the Bachelor, meet #MNG [Mr.NiceGuy] (who is now #NMNG [NotMr.NiceGuy] -- Thanks Serenity&Style for the updated name for him), go out of a handful of dates/mingle with him, then out of the blue get a phone call from a Massachusetts number on the store phone. I had an inkling as to who it could be, but NEVERinaMILLIONyears did I really think that this dude who I've never met, who just happens to play rugby and be the nephew of my boss, and be pretty decent looking, and SUPPOSEDLY taller than me, would call my liquor store out of the fucking blue.

During that first (and pretty random phone call) #MOBD proceeded to crack me the hell up, drop one cheesy ass pickup line, and proposed making rugby playing babies with me one day. Normal first time conversation with someone you've NEVER MET or SPOKEN TO before... right?!


I think we were on the phone for close to an hour. I was still at work, helping customers, doing the liquor selling thang... you know how I roll--Like a G6 ;)

Phone calls #2 and #3 were just about the same, maybe a little bit longer, and just as random and out of the blue as phone call #1.
When I finally decided to grab the conversation/situation by the balls, so to speak, I gave him my cell number. And we texted. Boy-oh-boy did we text. Like all the fucking time. Stupid shit too. Random shit. Questions. Answers. Laughing (via texting).

You know.

The things you do when someone lives in fucking Massachusetts. 

So, we talked on the phone, and sent texts, and Facebook chatted (because by then I had decided that it wasn't CREEPERish of me to add him on my Facebook), and then Saturday (post our mutual rugby games) phone calls became the routine, and texting whenever the hell I felt like it (because I'm single) was fine and fun!

We even Skyped... and that was HUGE! (Hugely out of my comfort zone). It was fun, and there was lots of laughter, not too much silence, but when there was silence it wasn't because of there not being anything to say or because the situation was awkward. It was more so because we'd NEVER seen each other face to face, and we were both cheesing out wayyyyy too much for allowable conversation.
#MOBD and I have discussed the fact that we'd like to meet, but I'm at that point in my life and my relationship life/outlook where I can't give all of myself that I've given in the past. I give and I give, and I drop everything to put myself and my needs above what I need and what I want and end up doing everything for someone else. The worse part is that doing all of that doesn't bother me. I like doing things for others. I like making the effort, but after the last three failed serious relationships (the 3yrCollegeBreakDown [but we're on good terms now], the TooSoonTooFastTooMuch with Mr.A, and the SouthernLover) I've decided that enough is ENOUGH. It is time for the Effort Card to be passed on to someone else. I can't do it anymore. I can't give my all and get a bigFATzero in return.

So when #MOBD talked about visiting, both him here and me there, I always responded "I'll see it when I believe it."

Well now, I think I'm going to be seeing it...
 ... #MOBD in the flesh. 


I haave a feeling, and it's just a brief inkling, that he might sneak by the store on Friday night... I'm not sure, but a random visit isn't being ruled out.

Dammit! Now I have to plan 2 damn outfits!!!!

But I do know what I won't be wearing:

It's hot, I know, but NOT really the look I'm going for.

Part II tomorrow.
More of my apprehension and nerves...
AKA: ME OVER THINKING the situation and stressing the hell out tomorrow night.
for the full story
#MailOrderBabyDaddy #MOBD

and Clicky the labels throughout, above, and below for the COMPLETE #MOBD post history...
both on da blog and muh twitter.