Friday, June 17, 2011

SATURDAY = DATE NIGHT (now that I've had a preview) PART II

Well, Well, Well.

A certain someone...

::cough:: ::cough::
::cough:: ::cough::

who has been a recent person of discussion on there here blog o mine, especially during a (long ass) post last night.

You know.

Well. #MOBD, of Massachusetts, showed up at my liquor store this evening, the one located in MARYLAND!

If you haven't gotten the picture now, #MOBD is in town, and he and I have a date on Saturday night (post my rugby tournament of course), at a location that I have chosen, but have yet to reveal to him. But since I like all of you lovely people I'll share with you... I'm going to take him to Dave & Busters for a little lot of fun and food, where I fully plan on KICKING ASS at all of the games there.

#MOBD and I have discovered that we each have a competitive streak within us. Tomorrow night might be good or it might be bad depending on who kicks who's ass.

But let me take the excitement about ass kicking down a notch, and get to the serious business of my nervous system.

Tomorrow night has a little less pressure on it because we officially "met" tonight, but tomorrow night is the real deal.

What if we have nothing to talk about?!
What if conversation just drags on?
What if he decides, eh, this is lame?
What if we hit it off?
What if our chemistry is even better than it is now!?
What if, what if, what if?  

Technically none of these questions should matter. I'm not trying to have a boyfriend right now. I don't need one, nor do I have the time for one--remember, I barely have time for myself, let alone someone else, especially someone else who lives in fucking Massachusetts.


I'm also concerned about what to wear tomorrow, but that is a whole other story/blog post...
for the full story

Did I ever mention...

Good thing I have an ALL DAY rugby tournament tomorrow.

Expect a Part III... 
Probably on Sunday, post Date Night ;)