Saturday, May 14, 2011

Showering a Baby

Top: Forever21 --- Belt, Skirt, and Watch: Thrifted --- Shoes: GoJane --- Purse: Etsy/Vintch --- Earrings and Rings: Handmade
This is actually yesterday's outfit, but I was too scared to post it after seeing the previous post, along with the comments I received on Wednesday, get eaten up into the giant black hole of the internet when Blogger went down. Thankfully the post got restored, but not the comments (yet?), so if you commented on here recently and am wondering why I haven't commented back yet, it's either because (a) I spent almost zero time on blogger yesterday or (b) Blogger ate your comment.

But enough complaining.
Last night I had a highly amusing conversation with our exchange student. It started out with me telling him that I was going to have a baby shower at work tomorrow, and he wanted to know what that meant. So I told him how people rent out the space in the back of our store and they come have their showers here instead of at their homes.
Gabe: Does is cost anything?
Me: Yeah, it's $100, but if more than 20 people come it's an extra $30.
Gabe: $100! Why does it cost so much?
Me: Well, they're paying for the space. Plus we set everything up and clean when they're done. A lot of people don't like dealing with the set up and tear down part of it, so they'd rather just pay to have someone else do it for them.
Gabe: But $100 just for one shower?
Me: Uh... yeah? How many showers do you think it should be for?

It was about at this point that I realized that we probably not talking about the same thing, and then it dawned on me that the word shower, quite obviously, has more than one meaning and that, more than likely, the definition that a foreign exchange student would be familiar with would involve lots of water. Poor Gabe had to wait about 3 minutes before I was done laughing for me to explain that a baby shower isn't giving a baby a bath. And certainly not for $100.