Saturday, April 24, 2010


Well it is that time again.

Yes, that time when I spend way too much time on the internet when I should be spending my time doing something else (i.e. packing).

This evening, after my well deserved 2.5 hour nap if the middle of the late afternoon/evening (sue me, I got up at 4AM--after 4 hours of sleep--and worked the breakfast shift AND my normal shift, until my boss took pity on me and sent me home early--granted I was falling asleep at the counter--it was dead, we had NO lunch time customers), I spent much of my free time watching a movie online (which might have given me a damn virus), blogging, reading blogs, and now blogging again, but this time about my need for a few of the glorious dresses that I found on Mod Cloth.

However, I would like to point out that Mod Cloth very much so pisses me off. The site is so unorganized. They NEVER have shoes in my size (size 11--FML). And they (the website) have this annoying tendency to show me pages and pages of items that are SOLD OUT. Why may I ask would I want to see items that I cannot buy? And also, for another matter, why do I want to see dresses in size XS or size 4? I am neither one of those sizes. You would think that they would give you/me an option for searching by size. It just annoys me to no end to stumble upon an article of clothing that I like, only to find that it is ONLY available in size 2. WTF!?

Now, back to my wishful thinking--because I made a promise to myself not to spend any money this month, and really for a while. I need to SAVE SAVE SAVE! And so far, I have only spent my wages from the past month on gasoline, some sushi during my last visit to Towson (shout out to San Sushi Too!--Love/Miss you guys!!), and a $6 Mexican dinner with the Hooker--thank Jesus for hanging onto my college ID--20% off! Hollar!

The List.

(p.s. I am only still looking at dresses, not because I like to torture myself with things that I cannot have, but because I did return that [fit me perfectly] Sun Dot Dress from Anthropologie last month, and I still need a dress for my Uncle Tony's outdoor wedding this summer.)

Now, back to the (important time wasting) list:

Dresses, a la Mod Cloth





I want, I like, I need them all?! But I am also trying to be more responsible with my money AND there is no way in hell I am paying full retail on anything... Are you crazy!? This gal waits for a sale--Especially for a possible sale on that Grecian Green Dress... Too Cute!