Thursday, January 13, 2011

Outfit: Cozy

This outfit is mighty cozy. It is cozy right now as I'm wearing it, and it was also cozy 2 days ago when I took this picture. Confused? I was planning on walking to Target the other day so I got dressed and did my make up and then it decided to snow. They were very small flakes and weren't sticking at all, but it was enough to make me realize I had two options:
A) Walk to the store and risk it starting to snow hardcore/rain. Walk home in the miserable weather.
B) Stay home, and it will surely not snow or rain and I will feel like a dummy.

As Option B did not involve me getting soaking wet, I opted to stay home (and naturally, it stopped snowing and never rained). And as not to waste a perfectly good outfit, I immediately changed out of it so I could rewear it to work today. Cheating? I think yes.

And yes, I am wearing socks over my pants. It's pretty fabulous, if I do say so.