Some of these days will be really short. Others might be long. I also reserve the right to skip a day if I really hate it. :) I think I usually do these in tandem with my outfit posts, since you'll be seeing a lot more of those now that I'm working every day!
Want to take the challenge with me? (Well, it's not really a challenge to talk about one's self, but that's what the title says so I'm sticking with it.) If so, let me know and I'll link you in in my sidebar!
So without any further ado,
Day One: Your Current Relationship/Single Life:
Good grief, and I can't even remember not being single. Other than a brief boyfriend in middle school (you know, back when dating meant walking to class together and eating lunch seated at the same table), I've never not been single. I used to be kinda bummed about that, but nowadays I'm pretty happy about it. I know that I'm leaving next year for Seattle and don't know where I'll end up after that, so the thought of meeting someone that I really like at this point is something I don't wish on myself at all.
See, I told you some days will be short (just wait until I hit Day 10! I'll be lucky to break 5 words on that one.)