Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Outfit: Return of the Jeans - Day 10: Love/Kiss

Today I'm giving my cowl the day off. The poor little guy is curled up at home with a cup of tea and watching a movie, trying desperately to recover after being so over-used lately.

I also realized today that it has been almost two weeks since the last time I worn any jeans. Considering I used to wear nothing but jeans, I can tell I've come a long way in the past few months. Go me! I had been thinking about doing the style challenge of going a month without wearing jeans, but I've kind of already been doing that lately so I don't think it would be much different than usual.

And now for another very short short paragraph for the 30 Day blogging challenge, which you can view in it's entirety by clicking HERE.

Day 10: Discuss your first love and your first kiss.
Ha. Ha. Ha. Hahaha.
OK, so kidding aside, I've not been in love nor been kissed. I'm not one of those people that is planning on saving my first kiss for my wedding or whatever, but I am also not one of those people that would just go around kissing any guy that liked me. There is no doubt in my mind that God has a guy for me out there somewhere, and I just have to wait on God's timing and He'll work everything out.

1/3 of the way through the challenge!