Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Ends up on my blog :)

Philly ain't Vegas, gurl, get wit it.

Over the weekend the roommates and a friend drove from Baltimore to Philly  (a little under 2 hours--we got stuck in traffic) to celebrate roommate G's birthday! 

We booked a room at the Omni and did what normal 20's somethings do when single and looking for a good time in a strange city:
We ate, drank, laughed, cried (included with the laughing--only good tears), danced and conquered #OldCity Philly.

Hey, what can I say, it's what we do, and we do it well :)


The view from our hotel.

Pizza from Revolution House: ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!

Roommate G and I in 'getting ready' mode.
This is her new called ID photo.
That's roommate love.

We go big or go home for birthday's in our house.
Next one is for Roommate M--we're going to the BIG EASY!!!!
And I'm packing a bottle for the ride!

Our friend S came along too!
She was Dolly Parton's assistant for the evening.
Blonde, Big Hair, was the trend for the evening.

Philly wasn't ready for us...

Don't believe me?!

Roommate Love!

You believe me now... I know you do.


In the morning we pulled ourselves out of bed (and off the couch) and wandered into Farmicia.
Once again... HOLY DELICIOUS!
I snagged the menu. I have intentions of recreating the above pictured breakfast and many other items I found appealing. I know you're as excited as I am about this--it's you who gets to see the end result--I (and the roommates) luckily get to enjoy them :)

The plan is to go back to Philly again.
Not anytime soon, but definitely in the next couple of months.
We love Baltimore, but a night of debauchery in a foreign city is always fun ;)
OH! I almost forgot!
I almost met up with fellow blogger Erin of Everything According to Erin (GO CHECK OUT HER BLOG!!!!), but unfortunaley our paths didn't cross!
She did however lead my roomies and I to EXCELLENT bar recommendations AND gave us a heads up on the appropriate Old City/Philly attire!

Thanks girl!!!
Hopefully next time I'm in town we can meet up!!