Thursday, July 28, 2011


 Who in the hell let me walk out of my house yesterday!?

Aside from the comical/highly flattering commute to work:

I was looking extremely rough during my shift at the store last night.

That's what I get I guess for going to the fair, hanging out in the cow pen, napping at my Aunt's house, then borrowing the Sister-Cousin's clothes because mine were covered in cow hair, slobber and other unmentionables and because I had all of 6 minutes to get in my car and on the road. Oh and for not bringing my emergency make up bag with me before I left my house at 7am.

Estupida Chica.

Rockin' the TOMS and an Old Navy dress...
Oh and excuse the disgustingly dirty mirror at work.
No matter how many times I clean it, I always come back the next day and it has been defiled again.

It was not pretty.
Thank GOD for the brutally honest friends that I have for telling my busted ass that I looked a sure shit #hotmess yesterday.