Friday, March 4, 2011

What I Do At Work

I love my job. For those of you (which would be most of you) who don't know, I work at a children's clothing store. I'm the only one that works here other than my boss, and she is currently out on bed rest because she just had twins, so that's why I've been working so much lately. So while she's resting at home, I take care of the store.

My favorite part about this job is that my boss lets me do whatever I want to the store. I can rearrange, move, and decorate to my heart's delight. My sisters will be able to tell you that I love to move furniture around in my room frequently, so to have a whole store to organize however I like is practically a dream come true. Sometimes it's hard to move the bigger displays all on my own, but that's half the fun in my opinion.

Anyways, today I decided to redo the front window. One of the displays we have in the window is a child mannequin that would probably freak me out a bit except that it doesn't have a face (well, actually that sounds kind of creepy on it's own...). A few weeks ago I had dressed up this mannequin as a little dancer girl, and she looked like this:
 Look, I even made her plush little hands hold her other shoe!
 Anyways, I decided that this time around the cute little girl was going to be a cute little boy. That's the main advantage of a faceless mannequin, in case you didn't know.

So here is mid-process, with several different shirt and shoe options, and my poor little boy mannequin that I de-armed:
 I eventually decided to make him a classy little boy and dress him up in a vest and tie. How precious.

And here he is, getting ready to make his front window debut. Go get 'em, ya classy little bugger.

So yeah, now you know what I spent the last hour working on. Thrilling, I know.