What I Learned
(Tuesday Night--March 1, 2011)
- There is a website dedicated to lesbians who look like Justin Bieber...
Fittingly called lesbianswholooklikebieber.com - Who ever has the biggest purse/bag is the straightest.
- Who ever has the biggest purse/bag is compensating for their straight-ness, or supposed lack there of.
- The same is said for high heels (I wore 5inchers to work yesterday--I probably shouldn't have told them that).
- Playing Guitar Hero is NOTHING like playing a real guitar; because GUITAR HERO is cooler!
- Apparently, I REALLY look like K-E-Dollar Sign-Ha (insert Glee reference/giggle here).
- Apparently I really want to be like Ke$ha... I was 'this' close to stealing the glitter streaks out of Fist's hair last night.
- Twitter makes me happy.
- Margaritas make me happy... scratch that... I just LOVE Tequila.
- Tall boys really make me happy.
- Oh and I very much so missed my rugby friends!
Enjoy the rest of my bathroom/outfit pics
Both blazer and tank from Target