Monday, February 14, 2011

Outfit: Mellow Yellow --- Day 28: I Miss...

I love yellow. This cardigan is really more of a camel brown, but for some reason in pictures it looks more mustard-y and I am A-O-K with that. :)

30 Day Challenge. I'm almost done! Yay!
Day 28: Something you miss.
I miss sleeping in! I used to sleep in 5 days a week (Mon.-Fri.) since I only worked on Saturday and had church on Sunday, but now I sleep in ZERO days a week because I work 6 days and church on the 7th. Booo! I get up at 8am every morning, and even more early on Sunday. It's tragic.
However, I am getting paid to wake up early, which makes it not quite so bad. Earning money is a good thing!