Now before you start to get disgusted with me for being to high-and-mighty to wear something twice, I feel I should tell you that I do wear things twice. In fact I wear some items in my closet many, many times, some of them so often that you'd get sick of them if I posted an outfit every day. I do not, however, ever wear the exact same outfit twice. I always try to change something, whether that is mixing up the top or bottom with another piece, accessorizing differently, wearing a different tights/shoes combo, any thing to make it look different.
But I guess I was feeling lazy the other day, though, because I found myself reaching for the exact same outfit that I had worn in the previous week. Perhaps my subconscious is just so in love with this outfit that I couldn't help it? Regardless, I did feel guilty enough about the cheat that I whipped up my hair and added a pin. That sorta counts, right?
I'll be gone for the next few days (only until Thursday, if everything goes according to plan). I doubt I'll be blogging any while I'm gone, so to entertain yourself while I'm away: enter my GIVEAWAY if you haven't already, listen to my current favorite band ELBOW, or make something cool with images from VINTAGE PRINTABLE and do a blog on it for me to read when I come back.