Monday, December 6, 2010

Music Monday: Passion Pit

[Photo: Justin Borucki]
Their Name: Passion Pit
Their Style: ElectroPop
Similar To/Sounds Like: A toddler on helium (no, that's not a band name)

Honestly, I wasn't too sure about featuring Passion Pit here on my blog because I'm a bit afraid all of you guys will think I'm a nutter after this. But I decided to do it anyways, because I love Passion Pit.

Passion Pit is probably the craziest sounding band I've ever heard before. No matter what mood I'm in, turning on their CD will always make me happy. This is not the type of band you listen to for profound lyrics or if you're feeling like singing along (try it, I dare you). You listen to them when you want cool beats, unique tunes, and general cheeriness all around.

Also, the music video for Sleepyhead is pretty cool and very unique, so you should check that one out for sure.

There are two covers for their CD Manners. The first is for the general release of the CD and it's about as bland and boring as you can get, which is completely opposite to their music. The second cover is for the deluxe edition, and the colorful art on the front is a perfect depiction of their musical style.

1. Make Light*
2. Little Secrets*
3. Moth's Wings
4. The Reeling
5. To Kingdom Come
6. Swimming in the Flood
7.Folds in Your Hands
8. Eyes as Candles
9. Sleepyhead*
10. Let Your Love Grow Tall
11. Seaweed Song

*Top 3 Favorites