Monday, August 22, 2011

Guest Post: Madeline from Madeline Quaint


Hello Dear Readers of The Violet Reaction - I'm Madeline from Madeline Quaint. While Lovely Leanna is away, doing a lot of good in a tiny but beautiful European country, she asked me to help her out with a blogpost. Of course I said yes, as her blog is one of my absolute favourites!
This Illustrated Shoot is inspired by her blog title. I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed imagining the violets' reaction. :)
I hope you like it too, Leanna, and thank you for asking me to fill in for you! :)

Oh, in case you wondered what I wore, here is the rundown:
Jeans: Takko, Sandals: Tamaris, Top: Handed down, Necklaces from H&M and from the UK, Rings: H&M, and the owl ring was a gift.

(Note from Leanna: To see more of Madeline's outfits, illustrated photos, and pictures from her beautiful country and travels [she lives in Hungary!], check out her blog HERE.)