Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Shoe Shopping

I made the rather poor decision to look at Target shoes online tonight. I didn't buy any, but only because I just ordered 2 pairs from GoJane a few days ago. Seriously Target, why do you have to make my life so hard? I mean, who makes such ridiculously cute shoes and sells them for such reasonable prices, tempting poor, shoe-addicted girls like me to buy them? Jerks.

My favorites:
$29.99, here
$19.99, here
$24.99, here
$24.99, here
$24.99, here


Last week I was trying on some Earthies shoes at a shoe shop in my town. For those of you who don't know about Earthies (I didn't until a few weeks ago in Seattle), they are basically the most comfortable heels you will ever put on your feet, providing you like arch support. Because boy oh boy do they ever have support. I tried on this pair and really liked them:
The other thing about Earthies, though, is that they're expensive. Like, $130 expensive. A lot of money? Yes. Is it worth it? Well, depends on the person, but I'm tempted to say yes. Seriously, these shoes are comfortable. I walked around the store in them for quite a while and they felt fabulous. I didn't buy them because I decided I should probably think about it for a few days before spending that much, but after seeing these adorable shoes at Target I'm having second thoughts. I mean, I could get all 5 pairs of Target shoes and still have $5 left over versus buying the Earthies. Would they be as comfortable? Heck no. But still... 5 pairs...

Quick, friends, help me decide what to do! If I went the Target route I wouldn't get all 5. Probably just the first and last pair (mustard mustard mustard!) and maybe the 3rd as well.

Or better yet, tell me to stop buying shoes! That would be ideal. But if you're anything at all like me, you won't be able to resist a little vicarious spending.