What you have to do is go to google image search, click on the link that leads you to the Advanced Search section and select "GIF" in the drop down menu for "File Type": Google Advanace Image Search.
You're welcome.
So, I know what you're thinking. "She only discovered this now?"
No, of course not. It's just the first time I've actually had fun with it. So here are some others that I know myself to "think" and "do" in reaction to things I've seen and know I shall have to use in the future. As a little collection for future references, if you will.
And some happy ones.
And to be really girly, some kissing scenes I like. That's not exactly in the spirit of the other gifs, though,I just like looking at them. Yes, I iz a girl, as rare as that may come across. If you haven't watched any of the following, this is a SPOILER WARNING.
Amelie, the episodes of Glee called "Originals" and "Sexy" (season 2), Ugly Betty, Friends, The Runaways, Gossip Girl, and Romeo and Juliet (the one with Claire Danes). I warned you. Apologies for doing this to you.
Getting on with it, then.
And the best kiss on TV of the decade. Or even since the Ross and Rachel kiss. Le sigh.