Today's Agenda:
-Church (already done)
-Get new tights at Kohl's (already done... and may have picked up a few other things while I was there...)
-Play in the park with my sweet pup (already done)
-Go see Rango with my parents. We're leaving in 10 minutes!
-Veg on the couch.
-Watch Chopped All-Stars on the Food Network at 9.
-Watch High Stakes Poker at 10 and 11.
-Pass out.
And tomorrow, it's back to work! It seems like I was just there yesterday. Oh wait, I was just there yesterday. Danggg I have no life. :)
Anyways, I'm going to start a new feature here on my blog called Good Reads which will be something of an extension of my Good Reads page. Every now and then I'll feature a few of the blogs I like that I think you guys would like, too. I shall try my hardest not to only do fashion bloggers, but we'll see how it goes. Because there are a lot of fashion bloggers that I love.
So without any further ado, Good Reads 1:
(studs and pearls)
Miss Allison recommended this blog to me and I have to say, I love it. The writer, Kirsten, does a ton of DIY projects and posts tutorials on her blog. I haven't had the time to try any of them out myself yet, but once I stop working 48 hours a week I will definitely be trying out some of them. A few examples of some stuff she's made and done tutorials for:
So if you're a crafty person (or even if you're not... her tutorials look pretty friendly to most crafty levels), check out her blog and get DIYing. :)
Savannah is seriously like the sweetest girl ever and she's got the most crazy awesome sense of style. She's fairly new to the blog-o-sphere, so you should check out her blog and follow her if you like. I mean, just look how cute she is:
Oh, and I almost forgot! Guess who made her banner? That's right, this kid did! I love making banners. :)
Does is sound good to feature two blogs per Good Reads posts? Should I do one? Three? Ten? I think two looks good but maybe I'm crazy.