I have a dream that one day,
The temperature will rise up,
And live out the true meaning of its creed:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that when it stops being freezing cold, Leanna will be able to wear this outfit without a jacket, tights, and boots. Because it's a lot cuter that way."
And that, my friends, is called historical revisionism, and is generally frowned upon in most circles.
And now, I have a complaint.
The prologue to this complaint is that I subscribe to all the email lists from the online shops I like to look at in the hopes that they will send me good coupon codes or something (by the way, they don't). I get emails from Urban Outfitters, Lulus, Forever21, ModCloth, and a few others, so every day I have several messages in my inbox from these sites trying to get me to buy something. I have been noticing lately that Lulus, in particular, has the most obnoxious subject lines. They are almost always in caps, or they have a bunch of exclamation points, or they add a couple of extra o's in certain words.
Well, yesterday I logged onto my email account...
... and saw the most awful subject line ever. Just look at it!
It combines all three obnoxious errors... I can handle one at a time, but all three together? Writing like a 5th grade girl does not make me want to buy from you!
Who writes these things? Are they being paid? If so, they are being paid too much. Hire me instead, Lulus! I will write grammatically correct subject lines for you all day long.
End of rant.