Monday, February 14, 2011


This was a pretty crazy weekend.

Very long days and nights, that actually didn't end up ending until 4AM the next morning (on both Saturday/Sunday and Sunday/Monday)--my body was definitely making me pay for it this morning.
If you didn't catch my tweets this morn, you missed out on a few lack of sleep doozies. I'm pretty sure I was confusing caffeine with crack, and I know I was very close to trading my first born child for a hit of something strong that would wake my tired ass up. Basically any remedy that made me feel less like DEATH would have been awesome.

But enough about my less than stellar morning...
Let's get to the goods: The weekend deets!

SATURDAY night I hung out with my neighbor and some of his friends. We went to a Beef&Beer for a few hours then headed to my friend Grants for his family's annual Meadow Party.
Basically we were in a frozen tundra (aka a meadow) with lots of delicious food (bear, deer, pork, soups, etc.) and lots of alcohol. Oh an a bonfire.

I learned the hard way a few years ago to AVOID THE FRUIT and dress warm... hence the outfit:

 One does not need to get fancy for a meadow party.
I wore my warmest hoodie, my warmest and tightest jeans (I find, the tighter, the warmer), and the thickest pair of wool socks I could find under my Target boots. Oh, and a pair of elbow length gloves which came in handy :)

SUNDAY night my uncle made an absolutely delicious Valentine's (eve) Day dinner for my Aunt, my cousin, myself and his mother.

Scallops wrapped in bacon, baby lobster tails, and fresh steamed veggies (not pictured)... YUM YUM YUM!

Afterward I headed into Baltimore to meet up with MNG at the National Aquarium--UBalt was hosting an annual night at the aquarium, and I made the suggestion, and much to my approval and surprise, MNG was very happy to go with me. 
I had a little extra time on my hands before driving into the city so I decided to curl my hair...

I had a typical girl moment and couldn't find anything to wear.
At that point decided that my robe was my new bff, and that my hair was especially cracked out and curly...

I toned the curls down a bit and finally decided on an outfit. 

I stuck my my normal thought process for Sunday night's outfit... something that went with my boots
(but I wore my knee high Nine Wests instead of my Target boots--since I managed to cover them in mud and grime on Saturday night).

Following the sharks, turtles, and fish (oh my!) we met up at the movies and caught the new Adam Sandler flick (very predictable and funny). 
Definitely check it out for a laugh!

And be sure to check out Jennifer Aniston's shoes in the movie... Hot Damn they're awesome. I was experiencing shoe envy during many points of the film.
I think I have a problem.