Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I like my headings in all CAPS just like I like my Alzheimer Grandma's taste in clothing (the good and the bad bad).

i.e. This lovely , downright ugly and completely awesome piece of clothing that would be absolutely perfect for an Ugly/Cosby Sweater Party
(only if we--the family who packed her shit up--didn't put it in the Goodwill pile... And We did--dammit.)

Don't worry though, I saved a TON of other fun stuff for amusing Flashbacks-to-Grandma's-Time pictures later.


Oh! Fun Idea:
I think I'm going to make Fridays in this blog-of-mine:

Uh-Uh's Flashback Fridays.

(Uh-Uh--yes, like "uh-uh" when you are telling someone "no, no"--is what my family calls my Grandma--who unfortunately has been diagnosed with Alzheimers disease--and at a later date I will explain why we call her that...)

On Fridays I will upload photos of some of the things I was able to snag from Alzheimer Grandma's condo before we moved her into the new apartment. And I'll share a few of her stories and a few of her photos from back in the day. Let me tell you, my Uh-Uh was one hell of an interesting woman in her Haaaaay-Day.

Get ready! Installment #1 (because technically today is NOT Friday) begins this Friday... Or maybe next Friday if I get too bogged down with the family who are in town for GRADUATION this weekend.

We'll see!
