Saturday, October 15, 2011

The New Name:

So, I've decided to get a new name for my blog, since The Violet Reaction doesn't make me think of cupcakes at all. I tried to think of something witty, but after about 15 minutes of that I just gave up and decided to be boring instead.


I know, total bore, right?

You've probably noticed, but I've changed the banner already to reflect the new name. In a few days, I will also be changing the blog name "officially" in my settings, so on your blog feed I will no longer be showing up as "The Violet Reaction", but instead as "Cup-Sized-Cake". Don't say I didn't warn you.

ALSO, I'm contemplating changing the URL as well. I'm not 100% sure on that yet. If I do decide to, I will let you know a few days before hand, just in case any of you have my URL bookmarked and want to change it.

Thanks for the positive feedback on my last post! I'm glad that some of you are excited about cupcakes!